
In this Section

Financial Support

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is paid by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to schools and colleges so that they may provide financial help to students whose access to or completion of education might be inhibited by financial consideration.

Support provided

Those eligible for the bursary will receive a tailored package which could include

The amount you may get depends on the costs you have and what you need for your course.

There are two types of Bursary:

Vulnerable Student Bursary

You may be able to get a Vulnerable Student Bursary if at least one of the following applies:

Discretionary Student Bursary

The Discretionary Student Bursary may be awarded to students in the following groups:

Who is eligible to apply?

The Application Process

Terms of the Award

If you have any further questions please email nbolton@conyers.org.uk.